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Beth Marshall

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild assists the Priest by setting up for the Sunday services, Baptisms, Funerals and during the Holiday Seasons. Altar Guild orders supplies, such as the Sacramental Hosts, wine, and oil for the candles.

Kathy Walker

Daughters of the Holy Cross

This group is for Anglican women and girls. The group nurtures and empowers those called to be servants of Jesus. Daughters (DHC) take a lifetime vow to have a spiritual discipline of daily prayer, service, study and evangelism. Daughters (DHC) pray for St. Gregory parishioners and the community. Many service projects, a women's retreat, and social events for women of the parish are provided by the DHC.

Mack Holcomb/John Zavala

Evangelism and Outreach

Evangelism and Outreach plan activities and volunteer efforts that are supportive to the community. Several projects continue from year to year. Volunteers donate time to place wreaths for veterans as a part of the Wreaths Across America. The Mansfield area Angel Tree program is supported each December by our parish members. We are always looking for more ways to help in our community.

Kathy Walker

Flower Guild

The purpose of the Flower Guild is to beautify the sanctuary of St. Gregory's and to glorify God with fresh flowers each week. Arrangements are prepared each week for Sunday mass. Special floral arrangements are made for The Altar of Repose, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Funerals and the Bishop's reception.

Gayle Bradburn

Genealogy Group

Our Genealogy group helps members to explore family history and heritage. You may learn to conduct research on family history, share sources, methods, and successes. Field trip to the libraries, archives, and historical cemeteries are occasionally scheduled when there is an interest by the group. Meetings are held the first Thursday of each month at the church. Everyone is welcome!

Heinz Liedke

Healing Ministry

Established prayer teams pray and lay hands on those seeking healing during communion (a work following in the footsteps of the apostles as directed by Jesus).

Tim Cannon

Men's Group

The men's group meets twice a month on the first and third Saturday mornings. The the group meets for breakfast at 8:00 am at Rosa's and has a short study following breakfast. On the fifth Saturday of the month, the group works on church projects or helps in the community.

Susan McDuff/Cindy Bloomfield

Parish Life

Parish Life organizes social events for the parish to build up relationships and encourage social interaction. Each Sunday a time of fellowship follows Mass. Coffee, donuts and other delicious items are available to share. Potlucks are held following Mass throughout the year. Fine food and good fellowship are plentiful at these gatherings. A spring parish picnic is a tradition at St. Gregory's. It is hosted by a parishioner and includes great food and fun and games for the whole family.

Barbara Edwards

St. Clara's Guild

St. Clara's guild members use their sewing skills to make quilts for the sick and shut ins. They also knit baby caps for preemies at area hospitals. The guild makes other items to donate to those in need. St. Clara's guild members enjoy sewing, knitting or crocheting and the comradery it brings.

Rita Barowsky/Brenda Lee

St. Martha's Guild

St. Martha's Guild provides meals to shut-ins, the ill, food for bereaved families or families celebrating births. This guild serves St. Gregory's parishioners in time of need.

Heinz Liedke


Heinz Liedke coordinates St. Gregory's worship servers and prayer team. Worship servers consists of Greeters, LEMs, Lectors, Crucifers and Oblationers. Servers are scheduled on a monthly basis.

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